About Gwenna Luna
A short history of the Gwenna Luna brand.

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Since her literary debut in 2019, Gwenna Luna has captured the hearts and minds of discerning horror fans.
Readers have been drawn to the ongoing saga of the troubled teenager and her quest to become a good witch, fleeing a tragic past with the malevolent Red Witch hell-bent on seeking her destruction.
But why does Gwenna resonate with so many people? It’s because she is a believable character; an outsider figure that we can all empathise with. As opposed to the usual two-dimensional ‘Chosen One’ you typically find in fiction, there is no pre-ordained destiny at play. Gwenna is far from perfect and haunted by nightmarish dreams as she tries to master her powers and find her own path in this world. Readers relate to her situation, her loneliness and isolation, in a way they simply can’t with other characters.
The creative team behind the Gwenna Luna franchise also identify with her for exactly the same reasons. Brought together by a collective love of classic and contemporary horror, they chose to launch their own independent publishing company, Barksin, to unleash the dark world of Gwenna Luna rather than risk compromising their vision through a third-party publisher.
And with two books by Gwenna’s creator, horror author Guenther Primig, now released – The Dark Book of Gwenna Luna: Six Dreams of the Supernatural and The Graveyard of Gwenna Luna: Six More Dreams from the Dark Book—Barksin have big plans for the Gwenna Luna brand going forward.
A full audiobook adaptation of The Dark Book of Gwenna Luna has just been published, narrated by Hollywood actress Kristen Bush (Elementary, Synecdoche, New York), with the second book in the series set to follow. There will also be further entries in the Gwenna Luna series to look forward to over the coming years, along with the exciting prospect of a TV or film adaptation.
Together, the cult of Gwenna Luna looks set to go from strength to strength, so make sure to bookmark this website and keep up-to-date on all the latest news and events as we continue to expand the uncanny universe of our favourite anti-hero.